La Luce

Farfalle con Funghi

Category: Primi
Portion/Serving: 10 gallons


16 oz. Dried Farfalle pasta (Pre-cooked)
10 oz. Artichoke hearts
1 lbs. Assorted mushrooms (Preferably wild: Black Trumpets, Yellow foot, Chanterelles, Blue foot, Morels, etc)
2 oz. Garlic, chopped
¼ c. Shallots, diced
½ c. Dry white wine (Pinot Grigio)
2 c. Porcini mushroom stock
2 oz. Fresh thyme leaves
2 c. Leeks, diced
4 oz. Olive oil (Unio)
5 oz. Plugra unsalted butter
½ c. Parmesan cheese
4 oz. Truffle Pecorino (Cacio di Bosco brand)
½ oz. Parsley
Kosher salt, and black pepper to taste