La Luce

Margherita Pizza

Category: Pizze
Portion/Serving: 1 Pizza


8 oz. Pizza dough – already proofed
3 oz. Tomato sauce, pizza
0.2 oz. Fresh basil leaves
3.8 oz. Mozzarella Ovolini (Grande, Fior di Latte Brand)
½ oz. Olive oil, Unio
1 oz. Grated parmesan cheese


  1. Place pizza dough in flour (both sides), stretch dough by hand into 12" diameter.
  2. Place stretched dough into floured pizza board.
  3. Place tomato sauce evenly in a circular motion from the inside to outside leaving a small outer edge for crust.
  4. Tear basil leaves on top, add mozzarella pieces torn by hand, grated Parmesan cheese evenly and drizzle olive oil.
  5. Bake in pizza oven for about 5 minutes at 750°F, rotating pizza constantly to get an evenly golden brown color on crust.
  6. Place onto pizza plate, and cut pizza into 6 slices.